Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I admit I have become increasingly more lazy as the time goes by simple things that I always used to do are now being left undone. (i.e. makeup on the counter, dishes in the sink, clothes on the floor) I don't quite know why, all of which are things that drive me crazy. But I some how can not find the energy to care. I don't quite know why I don't just put the things away as they are used (makeup if it is in the drawer is eventually pulled out of the drawer by little hands, so I keep it on the counter out of reach) however it drives me nuts to see it there. I also have become lazy with my projects/hobbies. I don't really remember the last time I pulled out the camera and took a picture. That is bad cause I am usually picture crazy. No scrapbooking or sewing has been done for quite a while, even when I have the opportunity to I don't take advantage of it. I have become a bump that cannot dislodge from my overly sized overly comfortable couch. WTH I need to get some sort of motivation for something. Any ideas? Hopefully it will come to me soon. In the mean time here's hoping.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The change

Just wanted to say like millions of other Americans I am so glad to see the change we are about to undergo. It is long over due and a great step for our country. Can't wait to see what the future will bring. Go Obama!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

There is something to be said for being home alone

Okay so I have to admit that the one upside of being home sans husband is the fact that if I clean something up; tada... it stays clean (with the exception of Braelee, but that is to be expected) It is a little nice not to constantly go around picking up after everyone for a change. It is a tough trade, but the lack of conversation doesn't really make up for the cleanliness. But what are you gonna do.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ho hum of the everyday

Some days it is hard to keep up with the routine. Get up, get ready, get braelee ready, off to sitter, off to work, work all day, pick up braelee, get home, dinner, bath, story, bed, clean up and anything else I have energy for. (did I forget to mention we leave the house about 6:45 and don't return until 6:30-7 at night) Makes me tired once Wednesday night rolls around and I realize that indeed tomorrow I need to leave the house by 5:45 am (ridiculous) The best part of all is that this will remain the routine for the next two months. Yeah... Any who just thought I would gripe about my daily routine for a few. I know that by no means am I the only one on this type of schedule, but what the heck. And for a side bar why is it that every night I get stuck behind some jack&*( that wants to drive 45 miles an hour when I have a hungry toddler and a reasonbly tired driver behind the wheel. Go figure. Well heres to the mundane in and outs of everyday in the life of me. Cheers!