Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I admit I have become increasingly more lazy as the time goes by simple things that I always used to do are now being left undone. (i.e. makeup on the counter, dishes in the sink, clothes on the floor) I don't quite know why, all of which are things that drive me crazy. But I some how can not find the energy to care. I don't quite know why I don't just put the things away as they are used (makeup if it is in the drawer is eventually pulled out of the drawer by little hands, so I keep it on the counter out of reach) however it drives me nuts to see it there. I also have become lazy with my projects/hobbies. I don't really remember the last time I pulled out the camera and took a picture. That is bad cause I am usually picture crazy. No scrapbooking or sewing has been done for quite a while, even when I have the opportunity to I don't take advantage of it. I have become a bump that cannot dislodge from my overly sized overly comfortable couch. WTH I need to get some sort of motivation for something. Any ideas? Hopefully it will come to me soon. In the mean time here's hoping.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you're just really tired- you do work two full time jobs, after all. Give yourself a break. Inspiration won't come if you force it. Also, I totally keep my make up on the counter now too. Putting it back in the drawer is just asking for a streak of eyeliner on the tile.