Thursday, February 19, 2009


It has recently come to my attention that my vocabulary has become quite redundant. Apparently people have noticed (and alerted me) that "whatever" should be my theme word. After much consideration and careful observation I will indeed confirm that "whatever" is a word that often exits my mouth. Once I came to the realization that I said this word quite regularly I have began to embrace it. After analyzing the data I have decided that "whatever" is a quite fabulous word. It can be taken and used in so many different contexts it may be far superior to many other words. The reasons that I enjoy using it often,is when I would like to seem indecisive, non-committal, and ambiguous. If someone asks you whether or not you would like to have lunch sometime you can respond with "sure if you want or, whatever." This quick response portrays some eagerness to attend however doesn't appear overly available and needy. Another example for the use of "whatever" is when you are willing to accept any answer or object without showing favoritism or preference. Ex. "Do you want Chinese or Italian?" By answering "whatever" you are allowing the other person to help with the decision making, therefor not coming off as a bossy, opinionated, pushy person that has to have their way. :) And lastly my most favorite reason: using the word "whatever" to really annoy someone. It is great, you are in a conversation/heated discussion with someone, they are being a total ass and instead of carrying on with the ridiculous banter you just look at the person and respond with "whatever" and walk away. They are left mid sentence annoyed to realize that you have just walked out on the discussion and they have not yet "won" the argument. You now have the upper hand and didn't really have to do anything. Fabulous! It is a passive aggressive way to say "go fly a kite" without having to officially "go there" ;) So you are able to maintain your gutter free lingo without compromising your passionate feelings on the subject. Beautiful. Hopefully this has been enlightening or at least mildly entertaining. And the next time you don't want to seem over eager or don't feel like arguing without actually giving in, just respond with "whatever" and know that you have made your point with one simple word. For those of you that I often say this to; no worries it is most often just used out of habit not of malice or ambiguity.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Spring is just around the corner

All the sudden I have had the urge to begin spring cleaning. The other night I cleaned out my closet and purged a large bag of clothes. Still could stand to loose a little more. Why I hang on to things I can't fit into I will never understand. If by some miracle I am able to fit into them in the future; they will most definitely be out of style. So what is the use. I have also had the need to reorganize my craft area. Which actually occupies my time instead of actually creating. Complete waste of free time, but I can not do anything in a cluttered area. Yuck! Lastly I have put on a list to organize my junk drawers and closets, clean the windows, dust and hopefully paint my bedroom. Not sure what color would like to do something different but will most likely play it safe with some sort of earth tone. (can't get out of my rut) By the time I accomplish all of this it will most likely be spring time. But, my hope is to start early and get it done. Most will all have to be done during nap time so better get started soon to take advantage of the free time without a tail.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The cookies that almost were....

So Sunday afternoon I was rather ambitious thinking that I have been wanting chocolate chip cookies and since I keep craving them I should probably just make some instead of wasting my money buying ok store bought cookies. However, I made one batch of cookies and then had to abandon the dough to the fridge in order to make dinner. (I had a toddler whining at my heels, well rather my thighs but who's measuring)
After precisely wrapping the bowl and placing it on the top shelf of the fridge I went on my merry way through the rest of my evening. However, once the sun went down and my sweet tooth awoke and roared it's ugly head. I found myself headed to the drawer grabbing a spoon and eating the cookie dough straight from the bowl. Now normally my rational for this is that cookie dough is so rich that I will usually only it one spoon full; which is equivelent to one cookie. So somehow I have envisioned that this is an acceptable way to eat cookies, because for sure I can't eat just ONE baked cookie. I inevitably end up eating two or three. So this has to be a more logically conservative way to consume my cookie calories. Now this thoery would work if I stuck to one spoonful. However for the last three nights I have found myself not just having one spoonful but perhaps two or three. And let me just clarify this theory would also work if i kept to a normal sized spoonful. But no, these are heaping piles of dough that spill off the sides, and in no way would this actually constitute as a single cookie under most common peoples standards. Someone needs to check me into the Betty Crocker clinic ASAP. I am fully aware I have a problem; and isn't admitting half the battle. I am truely on the path to recovery. Now what are the other nine steps? If anyone can help I would greatly welcome the suggestions. Until next time... If are curious my keyboard has a little chocolate on the keys right now. :) Just joking

Monday, February 9, 2009

Some days I shouldn't get out of bed

Some days I just should of stayed in bed pulled the covers up and tried to block out everything. I don't what triggers this kind of day. It seems to start like any other and then I enter work; someone looks at me wrong, says the wrong thing, whatever. Then I feel like smacking them and of course throughout the day I try and get out of the funk, but inevitably I am pulled back in feeling more annoyed and less pleasant by the minute. (okay, am I ever really pleasant :) ) But still I am posting this in hopes that if I get my annoyances off my chest it will cease to exhist. Heres to hoping! I still have about three hours to go until the end of the work day, and yes I am posting this at lunch. I am not that much of a slacker.