Saturday, February 14, 2009

Spring is just around the corner

All the sudden I have had the urge to begin spring cleaning. The other night I cleaned out my closet and purged a large bag of clothes. Still could stand to loose a little more. Why I hang on to things I can't fit into I will never understand. If by some miracle I am able to fit into them in the future; they will most definitely be out of style. So what is the use. I have also had the need to reorganize my craft area. Which actually occupies my time instead of actually creating. Complete waste of free time, but I can not do anything in a cluttered area. Yuck! Lastly I have put on a list to organize my junk drawers and closets, clean the windows, dust and hopefully paint my bedroom. Not sure what color would like to do something different but will most likely play it safe with some sort of earth tone. (can't get out of my rut) By the time I accomplish all of this it will most likely be spring time. But, my hope is to start early and get it done. Most will all have to be done during nap time so better get started soon to take advantage of the free time without a tail.


Anonymous said...

I think you should paint your bedroom something entirely NOT in the brown family.